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Saturday, November 9

Choose Happy :)

So I was just chatting with a loved one on gchat who's going through a rough time. I said this as an encouragement and the person asked me to share it to help others. So here it is, copied and pasted :)

People DO overcome depression
But when you're depressed, you don't think people do.
You think they're faking it.
When I was depressed freshman year, I thought every single person that was happy was just acting and was inwardly sad,
like me
But that's not the case
People don't think it is possible to overcome depression because they have never overcome theirs

Life has ups and downs, that is true
But they're not meant to break us
We're not meant to carry the bad forever
Being happy doesn't mean not ever ever being sad
But it means knowing you have the choice to be happy, to bounce back and learning how to exercise that choice

There will be bad days
But that's why you have to savour the good ones
Savour each laughter; be present in the good days
There will be bad days and you will still cry in the days ahead
But there will also be AMAZING days!!
The best days of our lives are ahead man
And you will laugh, and dance and be happy!
Think of those moments instead
Thinking of the sad moments to come doesn't let you be happy now
So choose to dwell on the happiness you can find each day
Live life one day at a time, finding happiness in each day instead of expecting sadness