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Monday, June 6

Black Rivers

She's always been my best friend.
She used to love me
But as sunshine gives way to dusk
Her love turns to dust
I need her to survive ..but even more...She needs me...
She's intrigued by someone else now
The mere scent of him grips even her shadow

She circles sweetly- her emotions for me
From love to indifference
From indifference to hate
Now she's erased my name from her heart..
Her name printed on mine leaves only a scar...

I am where you live
The strong trees that surround you
The evergreen grasses you trod upon
The arrayed flowers that adorn your surroundings
The rivers, springs, ocean and all that is therein
All that gives you the liquid life; water

The atmosphere is my face
The soil my foot
The buildings are my clothing
The trees my internal organs

But she has turned her back on me
My back of rivers she blackens by industrial spill
My face she gradually clouds with poisonous gases
My skin is blistered by fire; smoke and ashes
In the name of construction, my internal organs have been cut off

Money; he’s my worst enemy
For he is all she cares about now
He deceives her that he is all she needs
And she believes him hook, line and sinker

Until my last Intestine has been cut off
The last fish poisoned
Then she will realize money cannot sustain her

At the end point, may be just may be she’ll return to me
Hopefully it won’t be too late already
Everyday I’m dying gradually
I fear by that defining moment
I maybe late already.


  1. you a genius.i love the structure of your poem.the first 2 stanzas look like a love lost between 2 female lovers(and i wondering whether this a les...poem,though am not a homophobe)then the 3rd stanza brought me back on track.its a poem addressing Environmental degredation and Global warming.
    Kudos,keep the fire burning!


  2. hahahaha! one of my friends thought this was a lesbian poem at first too! lol. I find that really interesting! It's so funny how people interpret your poems from a whole different view lol. Just for the record, I was writing as a man in the first stanza! lol. Thanks for the compliment :)
